It is tougher than it looks
If you have read this blog for very long, you will know that I say that a lot, especially when I am taking about our latest WOD. And today is no exception, Tabata Something Else. With most Tabata WODs, you do work for 20 seconds and rest for 10 seconds .... repeat as prescribed for some X number of rounds. For today's effort, we did 4 simple exercises: pull ups, push ups, sit ups and squats. Just 8 short 20 second rounds for each exercise, with 10 whole seconds of rest in between. In total, just a 16 minute workout (not like the hour and a half we used to spend at the gym). Just a quick little workout. Sounds simple enough, right? WRONG! This WOD has left my entire body trembling from the effort. I know the motto for Cross Fit is "functional movements, constantly varied" but seriously, I think it should be "tougher than it looks."
Chocolate milk is the most awesome recovery drink ever
It's true, folks. There have been countless studies about it. Chocolate milk provides an optimal mix of protein, carbohydrates, and antioxidants to speed your recovery and to help you re-hydrate after a tough workout. There are some fun reads like this and this. And there are even doctors that have jumped on the chocolate milk bandwagon. I know that chocolate milk isn't Paleo; not by any stretch of the imagination. But after a workout like today's, I sure am glad we keep some in the house for
I'm convinced that pineapple is the nectar of the gods
OK. I know it's silly, but currently I am finding pineapple to be a particularly satisfying treat, especially post-workout. It's sweet. It's tangy. It's juicy. It's just good, people! I think I need some now.
And I guess that is really all I had to say tonight.