Monday, April 28, 2014

Random Rambling

It's a Monday evening and I am exhausted. Had a seriously tough WOD today. After a long, tiring day. And at present, lots of random thoughts are running through my mind. My hope is that posting a few here will make it easier to go to sleep tonight (along with the Advil I plan to take to ease the muscle ache).

It is tougher than it looks
If you have read this blog for very long, you will know that I say that a lot, especially when I am taking about our latest WOD. And today is no exception, Tabata Something Else. With most Tabata WODs, you do work for 20 seconds and rest for 10 seconds .... repeat as prescribed for some X number of rounds. For today's effort, we did 4 simple exercises: pull ups, push ups, sit ups and squats. Just 8 short 20 second rounds for each exercise, with 10 whole seconds of rest in between. In total, just a 16 minute workout (not like the hour and a half we used to spend at the gym). Just a quick little workout. Sounds simple enough, right? WRONG! This WOD has left my entire body trembling from the effort. I know the motto for Cross Fit is "functional movements, constantly varied" but seriously, I think it should be "tougher than it looks."

Chocolate milk is the most awesome recovery drink ever
It's true, folks. There have been countless studies about it. Chocolate milk provides an optimal mix of protein, carbohydrates, and antioxidants to speed your recovery and to help you re-hydrate after a tough workout. There are some fun reads like this and this. And there are even doctors that have jumped on the chocolate milk bandwagon. I know that chocolate milk isn't Paleo; not by any stretch of the imagination. But after a workout like today's, I sure am glad we keep some in the house for just such occasions Wonder Boy.

I'm convinced that pineapple is the nectar of the gods
OK. I know it's silly, but currently I am finding pineapple to be a particularly satisfying treat, especially post-workout. It's sweet. It's tangy. It's juicy. It's just good, people! I think I need some now.

And I guess that is really all I had to say tonight.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Pleasant Plateau

I never thought I'd write this, but I'm in the middle of the most pleasant fitness plateau I've ever experienced.

In fact, I'm pretty sure it's the ONLY time I've ever considered a plateau to be "pleasant."

But, in truth, I'm finding this plateau pleasing only because it's not really a plateau.

Let me explain ... my weight has plateaued. And I'm happy with that for a few reasons ... primarily because I've managed to MAINTAIN this weight with my current level of calorie consumption and exercise schedule. I don't feel like I'm starving. I eat at regular intervals, not skipping any meals (I know. Not a healthy thing to do. I had to teach myself to eat breakfast though and it is still not my favorite meal of the day). And, with where I am at RIGHT NOW, I feel like I can keep this up. In fact, I've BEEN keeping this up without hardly trying for the past 4 months or so.

I've actually been surprised each week when I step on the scale and I'm maintaining withing a 2 - 3 lb range.

So my weight loss has plateaued.

But everything else seems to still be changing!

Last night, I put on a pair of shorts I purchased just two weeks ago. And they fit me loose now. Not so much that I need to toss them and get more, but enough of a difference where I need to wear a belt with them. And speaking of belts, I've had to tighten the belt I wear on a regular basis to work by another notch! I did that this morning because my pants were still slipping when at the old notch.

This seems surreal to me! The scale isn't moving. And normally, that would start a downward spiral that is brutal to behold. But my body is still changing, even without continued weight loss!

I've read about it. But honestly, I've never experienced it to this degree. It's happening without me trying. Well ... not really ... I'm working out or jogging about 6 days a week. I'm eating well - at every meal- and not binging when I have a "cheat day." And it's WORKING! Like it is supposed to work!

I know it's silly ... but it's hard to wrap my brain around it.

And that's not all! My strength is returning in the gym. While my dead lifts haven't quite reached my old level, I'm getting really close to that old high water mark. And I'm doing it while 50 lbs lighter than when I last hit that mark!

My body is responding in ways I cannot ever remember it responding before.

In a sense, that's an exaggeration. The year before my Wonder Boy was born, Wonder Dad and I made a concerted effort to get in good shape. And it worked. We ate well. We lost weight. We worked out and made sure we got plenty of cardio (see a theme here??). And we saw these same kinds of reactions. But I got pregnant very soon after that. And it's been almost 13 years now. So my memory of these things is dim, at best.

So this feels brand new. It's exciting! And I can barely believe it. In fact, there's a part of me that worries I will "jinx" it by even mentioning it here. But really, if I can't celebrate these successes ... is it really a success?

I'm not going to worry about it - not today anyway! It's Friday. And I feel good. And I'm less critical about my body today than I was yesterday.

Baby steps.

I'll take it.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Redneck Reflections

This past weekend I had the opportunity to be part of a really fun obstacle course 5K called "the Redneck Run."

We've run in several of these off-road obstacle courses, including the Muddy Zombie and the Warrior Dash (twice!). And while we have enjoyed each and every one of them, this time was extra special because we ran it as part of a team.

This was the first year this event was held in the local area and as such, there was a pretty small turnout. While I'm sure the event organizers might have hoped for a record number of participants, it was really cool for our team to get to run the course alone in our heat. The grounds were beautiful, the weather perfect, and the company just amazing! What more could we ask for in a race day?

The obstacles were not like the other events we've entered. This time, as we dashed across recently plowed hay fields we had to carry salt lick blocks (at 50 lbs a piece), drag around some old tires, load wheel barrows with sand and ferry them through an arena to the dump site, paddle our way across a pond with a shovel, and load hay bales onto a trailer.

The running banter between our teammates kept us all smiling and the 45 minutes it took us to complete the course felt like a leisurely stroll through the neighborhood.

If I have learned one thing over the years, it's that exercise doesn't FEEL like exercise when you are having fun. And on this day, we had a BLAST!

In fact, we rode that adrenaline rush through a 90 minute judo class later in the day instead of coming home to rest like we normally do.

Now to find the next event and put together another team!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Yes mom, I really mean it ...

My mom thinks I'm nuts. She shakes her head (yes, I can hear you doing it through the phone, Mom), rolls her eyes, and secretly wonders when I'm going to get "back to normal."

You see, as much as she supports me (& she always does), she thinks my diet is a fad.

Almost a year ago, Wonder Dad and I made the commitment to give "Paleo" living a try. So what does that mean? For us, it has meant cutting out sugar, processed foods, legumes, and grains. Now, we're not super strict on any of these things, but in general these are the guidelines we're trying to follow.

My mom has been effusive in her praise of my weight loss. She didn't say a single unkind word at the Paleo-centered Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners I served. In fact, she enjoyed many of the dishes and even asked for the recipes (which is a big part of why I started the food blog).

But now that I've met many of my weight goals, she keeps expecting me to go back to my old way of eating.

And I'll admit to some temptation along those lines. From time to time, anyway.

But honestly, after a year of eating this way, it really is my preferred way to eat. We will sometimes indulge in a day of old-style eating habits, but in the end I usually feel much worse for the wear and who needs to deal with tight jeans and popping shirt buttons?

Not this chick!

I'm happy with my size and I'm not trying to lose more weight as much as tone my body to get it looking like I picture myself in my head (as opposed to what I see staring back at me from the mirror).

And I DO NOT want to regain all that weight. Just one cheat meal will usually cause an immediate jump on the scale by at least a couple of pounds.

I don't need that.

And more importantly, I don't WANT that.

I don't feel deprived on a daily basis. So why would I need to slide back into those old eating habits?

I appreciate your support Mom. I REALLY do! But maybe this time you'll just have to keep thinking I'm off my rocker. Just try to keep it to yourself, OK?

Monday, April 7, 2014

Embracing Me

I don't write about it much (and I never TALK about it) but, like many folks I know, I have body image issues. I am not the long and lean basketball babe I longed to be when growing up. And no matter where I fall on the BMI scale, I will never be long and lean.

I am ... vertically challenged ... and ... well endowed, so they say. Curvy is how Wonder Dad puts it. I like his description best.

But I like to eat, you see. I eat for comfort. I eat to celebrate. I eat to mourn. I eat when I'm bored. I eat ... well ... whenever.

It's not a healthy pattern. And heaven help me, I am trying to help create DIFFERENT patterns for our dear Wonder Boy. But that's a post for another day. Today I'm talking about me.

Over the last year, I have managed to slim down, dropping 50 lbs so far. That's something to celebrate, right?!

My clothes fit better. I am once again able to do pullups unassisted (even weighted!). My clothes all fit big. And, at almost 44 years of age, I am wearing smaller sizes than I did in high school.

To top it off, my doctor tells me I'm in MUCH better health than this time last year. The fat deposits in my liver tests are gone. My blood pressure has dropped back down to healthy levels. My blood sugar looks fine. And my cholesterol has remained at a healthy level (thanks to genetics, this one was never really an issue).

So why am I not thrilled when I look in the mirror?

My better half, Wonder Dad, looks at me like he did when we first met. He tells me loudly and often how great I look.

I'm not fishing for compliments, but honestly, I have trouble seeing it.

And it's hard to not fall into old patterns when I don't see what he sees. To get frustrated with my own perception of how I look and to seek comfort in salty, fatty, sugary food. *sigh*

I am trying VERY HARD to rely on his judgement and that of others around me. I am trying to focus on the fact that I FEEL better as my internal guide.

I am back on the judo mat. We are jogging again (& my knees and feet are not screaming at me). I have more energy than I have had in years. And I enjoy shopping - at least a bit more than in the past.

In fact, Wonder Dad took me shopping this past weekend for new work clothes. I do not enjoy shopping for myself (though I *love* to shop for my guys). But I actually had fun this weekend. I blushed as Wonder Dad whistled when I came out of the dressing room, in that wonderful way I used to redden when he would greet me for a date. And it felt good to look at styles that I would have run from just a few months ago.

I'm not sure I've made any kind of a point with this post. But I've written something about how I struggle with this area of my life.

I'm making SOME kind of progress. Right?