I am struggling with this.
It's been this way for a while now. Months. I can't recall exactly when it started, because my memory is not what you might call 'tack sharp' right now.
In the past, I was the kind of person who could (& would) fall asleep with little prompting. I've never been a night owl and even in my college days found I was more productive with an early schedule than late.
But these days, I go to bed and my mind just won't shut off. Granted, I have a fairly stressful job. And there are days when I head to bed and find myself rehashing the issues of the day. But that is not always the case. Sometimes it's just a song racing around my brain. Sometimes I make to-do lists for the next day. Sometimes I just lay there and count as Wonder Dad breathes.
I had hoped after kicking my caffeine habit that my body might find it easier to drift off at night, but that just hasn't been the case. And now I am tired. Seriously tired. For the first time in weeks, I want a Dr. Pepper. My mind is foggy and I have zero energy. But I know, even if I were to slip off to bed, I wouldn't be able to fall asleep.
So I guess this is my plea for help. Tips for getting back into a good sleeping groove would be most appreciated. I don't want to resort to chemical assistance though I do have some melatonin supplements somewhere in the house. But if you have some suggestions, pop me a comment. I'm starting to get desperate.
Tia told me about the importance of sleep several years ago when my journey began, but it is, to date, my biggest challenge. I have nothing to offer but solidarity and prayers, sis!