It's been hard to get back into the swing of things since we hit it so hard over the weekend. I woke up Monday morning feeling like I had been hit by a truck. I literally couldn't pick out just one area that hurt - pretty much anything from the ribs on down was achy and begging to go back to bed. So we ended up taking an unplanned rest day on Monday.
I am glad we gave it a day. But today it was time to get back on schedule so we decided to do the next "Crossfit Open WOD" (13.2). I have been itching to try this one as the moves were some we routinely train on and I was hoping that would mean a more impressive performance this time around (yeah, right).
13.2 Open WOD looks like this:
5 - Shoulder Presses (75# for women)
10 - Dead Lifts (again, 75# for women)
15 - Box Jumps
The goal is to see how many rounds of this you can do in a 10 minute time frame. I managed 4 complete rounds and then an extra set of shoulder presses and dead lifts. My "score" for that would be 135 (4 complete rounds = 120 points plus 5 shoulder presses and 10 dead lifts).
While I was not as sore as I felt on Monday, I can tell you that I was still not at 100%, so to say. My legs felt like dead weight from even the first box jump. I am happy to say that my shoulder held strong though and the shoulder presses didn't start to get hard until my last set.
The "masters" (the nationally ranked crossfitters) were knocking out in the neighborhood of 10-12 complete rounds. I was foolishly hoping to do about 7 rounds. But taking on this WOD so soon after the Warrior Dash, etc was a bit of a hindrance.
In the end, I'm not unhappy with my results. I pushed through the WOD even though I was tired and still a bit sore. And each day, I am feeling a bit less tenderness in my old bones, so hopefully tomorrow's WOD will go more smoothly.
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