Wednesday, July 10, 2013

July 10 - Diane

Today we did "Diane," which is:

21 - Dead Lifts (155#)
21 - Standing Shoulder Presses (65#)
15 - Dead Lifts (155#)
15 - Standing Shoulder Presses (65)
9 - Dead Lifts (155#)
9 - Standing Shoulder Presses (65#)

It took me 9:23 to finish. And I should have been finished quicker, but my shoulders just completely gave out on the last few reps.

Technically, you are supposed to do handstand push ups, but we are just not up to that yet, so we did the shoulder presses. We kept the range of motion really short - from the top of our head to full extension and back again - so that it would more closely resemble the hand stand push ups. I *really* felt the exercise this way. I even felt all of my core muscles trying to maintain the proper form. I never realized how much I was resting the bar on my chest for a regular shoulder press.

The dead lifts were a breeze. I'll up the weight next time even though this is about the right weight for women (it's 225# for men and women typically use about 70% of the weight prescribed for men). I was able to do each set unbroken. It's nice to know that there is at least ONE EXERCISE that works well for my odd body type!

We finished up with 35 knees to elbows and now I'm ready for a shower and a nap! This Texas heat is wiping me out!

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