Wednesday, July 31, 2013

July 31 - WOD

Today's WOD, featuring shoulder presses, was a nice change of pace from the high intensity we've faced the last few times out.

Today we were tasked with 5 sets of 5 reps each of strict shoulder presses. I managed the following:

Set 1: 65# * 5
Set 2: 67.5# * 5
Set 3: 70# * 5
Set 4: 75# * 5
Set 5: 80# * 1 + 77.5 * 3

As I say quite often, my shoulders are probably the weakest muscle group in my body. I was a bit rough on them in my younger years and they like to complain long and loud about it these days.

But even with that said, I am finally starting to see some strength and range of motion improvements in my shoulders. Doing this movement super strictly made sure that my shoulders were not getting help from any other muscle group. Often, I will resort to a slight dip in the knees to help me propel the weight up. But, of course, that doesn't push my shoulders to where they need to be.

I'm really glad we had this WOD today. Sure. I'll need Advil tonight, but at least I feel like I am pushing my body to where it needs to be.

We finished up with pistols (5 each, left and right) and 35 knees to elbows.

A good solid WOD. I'm happy.

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