When picking out a WOD for today, we were hoping to find something that wouldn't hit the legs as hard as the last work out. We've done this one before. Our times were not a lot better or a lot worse, so I guess, even though we're still feeling the last workout, we're holding our own.
Anyway ... today's WOD is one of the named workouts. It's called "Barbara" and each round looks like this:
20 - Pull Ups
30 - Push Ups
40 - Sit Ups
50 - Squats
You get a 3 minute rest between rounds and you are supposed to record your time for each round. My times looked like this:
Round 1: 4 minutes & 45 seconds
Round 2: 4 minutes & 52 seconds
Round 3: 4 minutes & 28 seconds
Technically, you are supposed to do 5 rounds. But today all we could eek out was 3 rounds.
On the whole, I guess I'm not overly disappointed with my performance. The last time I did this workout, all of my pullups were assisted/jumping. Today I managed to knock out most of the pullups without assistance. I did them in groups of 2 or 3 at a time, but I did them. I'll take that kind of progress ANY day.
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