Sunday, April 28, 2013

April 28 - Last Gasp

Aye yi yi!

Tonight's soccer game nearly did me in! We got stomped (of course). But worst of all, it wasn't a lot of fun.

It's not the losing that is so irksome. We routinely do that and I tend to have a fabulous time anyway.

Most games I spend in the back field with my good buddy on defense. We play our hearts out, but we laugh at our old legs along the way. We have fun, we run, we play, and we get in a heck of a workout during the process. It's why I signed up in the first place.

But tonight wasn't fun.

Let me remind you that we play in an "over 30" division. Except it's not STRICTLY for "mature" players. Women of any age or skill can play in our division. And male novices of any age can play too.

There are always a few women who are closer to Wonder Boy's age than mine on the pitch. And while that is irksome in itself, tonight was just worse. Insult to injury. Salt rubbed in an open wound.

The other team not only had a young girl (not long off of her COLLEGE squad) but a young punk of a goalie who routinely took to dribbling the ball up the field all the way to our goal. HE SCORED EVEN. Our team was no match - either in age or skill. And having some KID show off like that over and over was just too much.

I felt very much like letting my inner 2 year old come out and stomping off the field.

But it WAS the final game of the spring season, so I gutted it out, gritted my teeth and only complained once out loud.

I *really* think the league should have a strictly over 30 division. Even young kids who have never played before can run circles around us and that is how we (of the Injured Reserves) end up on the IR list - trying to chase them down. *sigh*

I'm going to bed now. My legs are sore and my spirit is heavy. But I have every intention of being back out there come fall.


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