Tonight's WOD is pretty straight forward:
Record the time it takes to do the following:
45 - Thrusters (75#, for me)
45 - Pull Ups
Straight forward? YES. Easy? Heck no!
I know, same song, different day, no? I'm nothing if not consistent (in this regard anyway). It was tough; very, very tough!
The thrusters are hard on your whole body, taking you from standing, through a front squat, and all the way back up to an over head press. That's a full body work out right there. Then we added the pull ups. I managed the first 35 or so in groups of 3 to 5 reps. But the last 10 I had to resort to jumping up to the bar and lowering myself under as much control as possible.
I guess I should be happy that I'm now able to put together 3 to 5 reps at a time when just a few months back I was jumping for each rep. But I'll admit I'm a bit disappointed that my body wore out like that.
In the end, my time was 10 minutes and 43 seconds.
And we finished up with 15 knees to elbows. After all of those pull ups and then the knees to elbows, my core got a heck of a workout tonight. Going to be feeling this one for sure tomorrow!
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