Tuesday, April 16, 2013

April 16 - WOD

I'd like to start this post w/ a hearty "HECK YEAH!"

Thank you for bearing with me for that. :+P

Today's WOD called for 10 rounds (timed) of the following:

15 - Deadlifts (135#)
15 - Push Ups

Take a minute and do the math. That equals 150 dead lifts. 150 DEAD LIFTS. 150 push ups too and we all know what that says for my shoulder.

But it was the dead lifts that frightened me. When I went to write it up on the white board. I left a spot to record our time and then I added a line to record the number of rounds ... just in case I couldn't handle the 10 rounds that were prescribed.

However, as you might guess by my earlier exclamation, I FINISHED ALL 10 ROUNDS! WHOOP!

We capped off the WOD with 15 knees to elbows. That was literally all I could manage. I'm hoping to be able to bump that up by a few reps in the near future.

And as Forest Gump like to say, "that's all I have to say about that." Except, of course, I'm not Forest Gump, so on we go.

Sorry, I don't know what has gotten into me today.

I do want to add that it took me 17 minutes and 47 seconds to complete all of this. And quite honestly, it was not the dead lifts that did me in. It turned out I should have been much more concerned about the 150 push ups. I managed to power though most of the dead lifts with hardly a pause. In fact, I was in my 9th set before I went unbroken. The push ups .... well .... even my first set had to be broken up in to 2 sets. I know. I'm lame that way.

The other thing I want to add is about my SHOES!!!!! I'm still lifting in the Innov-8 F-lite 185s. And I love them more with each passing WOD. I still haven't done any ballistic motions with it yet (i.e. box jumps or jump rope, etc) but I did 150 dead lifts today (I still can't believe I'm typing that) and not a single cramp in my feet! These shoes are worth their weight in gold - actually, they're worth at least TWICE their weight in gold (they're very light shoes).

If you are an over pronator like myself, these are THE shoes to lift in! Even lifting bare foot had my feet aching, but I am powering through the workout without the pain in these shoes. THEY ROCK!

And I guess NOW, I can be like Forest and keep mum for the rest of the night (at least on this particular subject). I suspect tomorrow you'll hear me moaning about how sore I am feeling, but as of right now, though I'm completely worn out, I'm a happy camper.

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