Wednesday, April 24, 2013

April 24 - WOD

To say I don't feel like working out today is an understatement. I left work with a migraine and my legs are still sore from Momnday's WOD. But after a 2 hour rest, my headache was down to a dull roar so I felt obligated to do something.

You know, it's days like today that I can really appreciate working out at home. With me feeling on the puny side, if I had to pack up and go to the gym, I would probably just call it off. But since all I had to do was walk to the garage, I was able to work myself up for the effort.

Today's WOD, thankfully, was not a cardio killing WOD. Instead it was more of a strength day. Today's feature exercise was my favorite (NOT), overhead squats.

My seven sets went like this:
1: PVC bar
2: 45# bar
3: PVC bar
4: 10# bumper
5: 10# (5# plates)
6: 10# (5# plates)
7: 45# bar

We finished off with 20 knees to elbow.

My struggle with OHS continues. But I feel like I'm making progress. I guess I just have to keep at it. Hopefully soon this exercise will start to feel more natural.

So while tonight's WOD wasn't super intense, I am pretty pleased with my efforts anyway.

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