Thursday, January 31, 2013

Jan 31 - Pink Cheeks & a Calypso Party

It's been a full day. Another busy day at work, but I did manage to get in my plank between meetings. It's the last day of the month and the last day of the Planks Alot Challenge. I held my plank for an excruciating 2 minutes and 20 seconds. But I held it!

My pal, Wendy, over at One Tough Mother Runner is starting a whole new challenge for February. There will still be a plank a day, but she's adding squats to the mix. I love a good squat as much as I despise planks, so I am in!

We also kept our date with the cardio machines at the gym today. My right knee hasn't been feeling very well. In fact, yesterday I went to see my doctor for a quick cortisone shot. It's an old injury and while I am by no means needing extreme intervention, I don't have much (well, any) cartilage in that knee anymore, so that does mean I need an occasional shot to bring down the inflammation. Anyway, got that done yesterday and still have about 24 more hours until I can fully feel the god effects of he shot. So I'll admit that I walked right past the old tread monster, I mean treadmill, and decided to sweat it out on the elliptical, instead. It was a good choice and I topped 2 miles in our 20 minutes.

I am not sure if it's related to the cortisone shot, but my face started to flush about midday today and it has not let up yet. Wonder Boy keeps pressing his palms to my face. It feels good - he has cold hands today. I cannot explain the flush though. I have seen people on niacin supplements flush like this, but it usually clears in a few hours. I haven't taken anything - no vitamins, no allergy meds, not even any Tylenol. It's confusing and I hope it passes soon. If not, I guess I'll be calling my doc tomorrow morning.

The end of this day has been very enjoyable, despite my burning cheeks. Wonder Boy is learning a new tune on his viola. Turned out to be "Banana Boat" as in Harry Belafonte fame. Once he was done with his practice, we fired up YouTube and danced to as many calypso tunes as we could find! Don't ya just love the Internet?! I figure I had to have burned a few more calories twirling around the living room with my boy. So I am counting that among my day's activities.

In spite of the face flush, it's been a good, productive day. I hope we can kick off February with the same energy we are ending January.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Jan 30 - WOD

Today has been, well ... a challenge. But it wasn't a physically challenging kind of day, so I am not going to prattle on about it.

Today's WOD was called "Gwen" and it is made up of 3 rounds of clean & jerks. In the first round, you are to do 15 repetitions without stopping to rest or even set down the bar (just "tap and go"). In the second round you do 12 reps. And in the third round, 9 reps.

There are rules, like you are supposed to use the same weight throughout. And, as I mentioned, you cannot set down the bar, even to re-grip. If you cannot do the full number of reps, or if you set down the bar, you have to start the set completely over. Though at least there is no time component to this workout.

I kept to a safe weight (65#). I think I could have done a bit more, but I wanted to make sure I didn't need to set down the bar a any point and have to add to the workload. That plan worked. I will definitely bump it up next time.

I actually got more comfortable with the exercise with every set. I am thinking in order to do a better/heavier weight next time, I will do a really light warm up set first to give my knees a chance to loosen up.

So all in all, I am fairly happy with this WOD. I expect it to be more intense with a heavier weight, but after the day I lived today, perhaps I didn't need any extra help to reach the point of exhaustion.

I didn't get to my plank today. :+( Maybe I will try to work n 2 of them tomorrow to "catch up."

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Jan 29 - OTM

Typically, Tuesdays are run days, but my knees are still pretty unhappy with me from last night's WOD. So tonight we changed it up a bit and stayed for the adult judo class after Wonder Boy was done with his class.

It was a really nice chane of pace and we got to use some muscle groups that have been a little neglected with our current crossfit routine.

The nicest part for me though was that I can feel the difference that the crossfit workouts have made in the last few months. Usually after a few months of being off the mat, the first class back will leave my shoulder aching for days. But tonight's class actually helped my shoulder loosen up after all those thrusters we did yesterday.

It felt good to be back "on the mat" as more than an assistant during the kids' class. And I am looking forward to our next opportunity to get some quality mat time.

And don't think I neglected today's plank! I managed to hold for 2 minutes and 10 seconds today. I listened to music while planking. I tried to sing along (in my head, as I was at work) in order to take my mind off the hold. If helped some. But it still felt like it lasted way too long. Not sure what I could do to distract me for much longer times.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Jan 28 - WOD

I think I m going to christen this WOD "OMAK" (Oh, My Aching Knees).

But to be honest, this WOD had more than my knees crying for mercy. Let me explain why ...

The OMAK workout looks like this:
* 15 "heavy" thrusters (75#, for me)
* 200M run
* 20 "medium" thrusters (65#, for me)
* 400M run
* 30 "light" thrusters (55#, for me)
* 800M run

This took me 16 minutes and 15 seconds. And it was a hard fought 16+ minutes! It is so very hard to breathe during the thrusters that it makes even the short 200M run daunting.

I struggled throughout. And there was a point during the last run when I wanted nothing more than to sit down and gasp for air like a fish out of water. And though I fear I was super slow on that run, I did not stop, not even to walk.

So I am happy with today's results.

To top it off, I managed a new PR in my daily plank: 2 min 5 sec. I am not sure I will be able to continue adding 5 seconds per day, but I am very happy to have passed the 2 minute mark. I did not truly believe I would ever top that mark.

So while today was a tough start to the week, it was also a successful start.

Who could ask for more?

Sunday, January 27, 2013

A Date Kept

You have probably guessed it by now, but I am not a big fan of running on the treadmill. If you haven't guessed that little fact, well, forget I said anything.

Seriously, there is just something about it. I don't seem to be able to find a comfortable gait.

But there are some days when the best option to meet my fitness goals is to keep my date with the treadmill. Today is one such day.

The new shoes (Brooks Pure Flow) are still keeping my feet happier than they have ever been on the treadmill. And maybe my problem today stems from the heavy deadlifts we did yesterday. I really don't know.

But whatever the case, I found it hard to get into a rhythm on the treadmill today. In order to break it up, I decided to run intervals. My overall distance worked out to be a touch shorter than usual (about 1.75 miles), but I was able to push some much higher tempos, even if for only a few minutes at a time. I am hoping it will help for my next road run.

Tomorrow we are back to our crossfit workouts and I will plunge back into the plank a day challenge.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Jan 26 - WOD

Today's WOD was a bit different. We started with a pure strength component, 5 sets of deadlifts, 3 reps per set. Our goal was to hit a personal record on the 4th set.

Set 1: 205#
Set 2: 205#
Set 3: 215#
Set 4: 225#
Set 5: 205#

On my 4th set, I could only manage 2 reps. On the third rep, I just gave out. In fact, I got so light headed that I nearly fell over. I was pretty pleased to have hit that weight though. Always feels good to hit a new personal best!

Wonder Boy came out to watch and cheer us on. Once we were done, we took a little extra time to teach him the exercise. He did 3 reps of 65#. The kid only weighs 70#, so this was no small achievement.

To make sure we got our heart rate up, when we finished the Deadlifts, we went to the back porch to do some Muay Thai mitt drills. Wonder Boy started us off and did three 1 - minute rounds with 30 seconds rest in between. It was good to see that though he hasn't had a Muay Thai class in a couple of years now, he has retained most of his good technique.

When wonder Boy finished his work, he called out combinations for the two of us while we did our 3 rounds each.

. I've said it before and I'm sure I will say it again, but I truly love it when we can all work out together. Makes the time and effort seem more like fun.

Friday, January 25, 2013


Today I hit a nice big milestone in the "planksalot" challenge. I managed to hold for a full TWO MINUTES! I am really pleased with myself.

I am seriously sore from our last 4 days of killer workouts. So tonight we are going to run some errands and take it easy. I feel much more at peace with this plan now that I have made it to this goal in the plank challenge.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Man Up

I probably shouldn't be posting as I'm in a fussy mood. But I am hoping that this will help me to just "man up" and snap out of it.

Why am I out of sorts?

Wonder Dad and I indulged in another run together after judo tonight.

Except it wasn't exactly "together." Plain and simple, I couldn't keep pace. Sure, I managed a MUCH better time than usual. But watching him drift further and further away while my legs & lungs screamed at me only frustrated me and left me ready to just call it off.

Is that childish or what?

So I am putting it here to give myself a virtual kick in the pants for being a big baby.

Be happy with your improved time. Not very run "together" will be a time to laugh and talk. Sometimes it's actually about pushing yourself.

Now that THAT is done, I also improved on my plank time today: 1 minute 55 seconds. Tomorrow's goal is 2 full minutes! Wish me luck.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Jan 23 - WOD

Today Wonder Dad picked a "hero" workout for us. This one is called "Sean" and it consists of the following for each round:

11 - chest to bar pull ups
22 - front squats (75 lbs)

Now, you are supposed to do 10 rounds of that and record the time it takes you to do it.

Let's just say I didn't quite make it.

I finished 5.5 rounds at the 15 minute mark and threw in the towel.

I can't recall ever completing 66 pull ups (even the assisted ones that I do) and 110 front squats in a single workout. So rather than feel defeated that I couldn't do the prescribed workout, I am going to rechristen this WOD as "Half Sean"!

To cap things off, Wonder Dad joined me for my plank of the day. I hit 1 minute and 50 seconds, as was my goal. But for future reference, it is not advisable to do your plank after a WOD with more than 100 front squats.

Comfort Cravings

Today has been a study in migraine abatement. :( I've been stuck in budget meetings for hours on end and my head is pounding.

And I'll admit, what I wanted, more than just about anything when I got out of that conference room was to head straight to the vending machine for some comfort. Specifically, I wanted a Dr. Pepper and something chocolate.

Instead, I stopped by to see Wonder Dad and soak up a good hug. After that, I did actually visit the vending machine. But I did not succumb to my cravings. Not entirely. I splurged on a bottle of orange juice. Like liquid sunshine! And then I went outside INTO the sunshine to enjoy it.

I can't say I'm exactly recovered (especially with all that I still have to get done today). But I'm feeling much better. Equally as well as I would have with the chocolate and caffeine, maybe even better than that would have afforded. At least this way, I don't feel guilty for giving in to my comfort cravings.

Need to find a WOD for tonight. Hope to stay on track despite the trials of the work day.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Couple Run

It's been a good day on many levels. What started out as a sleepy start to the day after a long weekend off, quickly turned into a minor crisis as we all sat down at work. Crisis did turn out to be minor. And after worrying that it was just the tip of a scary iceberg, the skies cleared and suddenly things started to get crossed off the to-do list.

Managed my plank by mid morning (1 minute 45 seconds). And was looking forward to our trip to the gym for an easy run.

But before we could get to that, Wonder Boy and I had a date at the eye doctor. We laughed and joked and had a good time until it was time for the Boy to have his eyes dilated. Good news, we both checked out fine - no need for either of us to have corrective lenses, but the Boy was a touch unnerved by the blurry vision from the dilation. So as consolation, we made a quick stop for a milk shake (for the boy only).

Then it was time for judo, with plans to go to the gym afterward.

About half way through class, the milk shake kicked in ... In the worst possible way. Poor kiddo.

Of course, that meant it was time to change plans. Not fair to the kiddo to have to sit and wait for us to log our time on the treadmill with his stomach in knots. So home we went.

There was the temptation to just start dinner and our evening routine. But instead, we did something we've been talking about for a couple of weeks ... We left the boy and his dog at home while we enjoyed a neighborhood jaunt together. What luxury! The last time we did that, we had to take leave from work while Wonder Boy was in school.

But he's 11 now and to help us start to let go just a little, to give him a chance to show he's ready for more freedom, we took off without him.

And by doing so, we had a GREAT couple run. Time to chat and laugh, to be a couple. It was AWESOME! We ended up covering just under 2 miles in 20 minutes. And we ended the day on a true up beat.

Bring on tomorrow! I'm ready!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Unplugged But Not AWOL

There has been a pause in my posting. This is not due to lack of activity, but from staying away from the computer for a few days.

I spend a great deal of my days (& nights) plugged in and every now and then, I just have to unplug for a few days.

Such is the case right now.

I will be back in the next day or so to catch up. For now just know that we are still plugging away with workouts that suck the breath right out of me.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Not Bad

Today has been better than I expected. I have been really sore from last night's WOD. My abs screaming at me all day and the rest of my body slowly joining in on that chorus. :(

But despite the onset of second day soreness (a bit early, if you ask me), I managed a nice comfortable pace on the treadmill tonight. I finished 1.8 miles in 20 minutes and got dangerously close to the 2 mile mark walking to cool down afterward. The gym was ridiculously warm and I really wanted to quit after the first 10 minutes, but I'm really glad I held out to the end.

Before going to the gym, we took Wonder Boy to judo. There was a big rowdy class of kids there tonight and the head instructor was out. So Wonder Dad and I donned our gis and jumped on the mat to help. There was an odd number of kids so when it came time to pair them up for various exercises, I jumped in so no one was left out. I had fun w/ the kids. I always do, but it does mean that I ended up doing my fair share of pushups. And after last night's WOD, I really didn't want to do more pushups. :) Oh well, my body will adapt, right?

Oh! And I nearly forgot, I hit another new personal best on my plank today! 1 min 35 seconds! I tried playing some music with a bit more 'pep' to it and that helped. I was still trembling from head to foot through out, but I didn't start staring at my stop watch trying to will the seconds to fly by faster until about the 1:10 mark.

Of course, I did lay on the floor listening to my heart pound for a good minute afterward, but at least I got it done! Hopefully I can keep it up tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Jan 16 - WOD

This evening's workout was called "Bad Snake."

It consists of 3 rounds of jump rope, knees to elbows, push ups, and pull ups as follows:

Round 1:
100 - Jump Rope Singles
21 - Knees to Elbows
50 - Push Ups
15 - Pull Ups

Round 2:
100 - Jump Rope Singles
15 - Knees to Elbows
35 - Push Ups
12 - Pull Ups

Round 3:
100 - Jump Rope Singles
12 - Knees to Elbows
20 - Push Ups
9 - Pull Ups

And once again, it kicked my tail (also my shoulders, back, and legs). This WOD took me 16 minutes and 45 seconds. Not a great time, but not a terrible one either. I am still struggling with the pull ups. If I can drop a few pounds, then I am sure it will improve.

I also got my plank in today and finally hit the 1:30 mark! I tried listening to music today while planking. I am thinking it might have been too slow a beat though, because by the 1 minute mark I could barely concentrate on the beat. Maybe if I can find a more upbeat tune for tomorrow I can think about something other than my trembling body.

Not a bad effort all around for today! Makes me feel better than yesterday, that's for sure!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

At Least I Did My Plank

Today has been cold, dreary, and drizzly. And all I have wanted to do is crawl back into my flannel PJs and a warm blanket. Maybe I'd even bring a book along.

What I actually did was sit at my desk and dream of hot chocolate and a steamy bowl of soup.

To make matters worse, I am seriously sore from yesterday's workout. My legs tremble at the sight of stairs and my shoulders ache as if I just had a round of immunizations.

So today has turned into a down day. I've eaten too much and I wimped out on going to the gym for my date with the treadmill.

But at least I did my plank. I tried a tip suggested by a fellow participant of the "planks a lot" challenge organized by my pal over at One Tough Mother Runner. I watched a video of Wonder Boy and some friends bebopping to "Let's Dance" for the Wii while holding my plank. It did help take my mind off of my trembling body. And I managed to hold on for 1 minute & 25 seconds. But I'll be honest, the last 20 seconds were a blur. I wanted so bad to let my belly sag 'til it hit the floor. But I held on and met my goal for the day. I'm especially glad since it was the only goal I met today.

I am thankful that tomorrow is a new day. And a new chance to meet some goals.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Jan 14 - WOD

I found a version of today's WOD on the Men's Fitness website, so naturally, I call it the "MMF WOD" (modified men's fitness WOD).

Each round of this WOD consists of:
10 - sand bag swings
10 - thrusters
10 - push ups
10 - sand bag overhead squats
10 - box jumps

The goal is to do 5 rounds in as little time as possible. My time today was 20 minutes and 21 seconds. Yes, you read that correctly. This WOD took over 20 minutes and I huffed and puffed and longed for my inhaler (I forgot to bring it) all the way through. *sigh*

If you have never done them before, let me tell you that overhead squats are a serious form of torture!

I have always loved squats. It is one of the few exercises that has come fairly naturally to me.

But overhead squats are another beast all together.

I am determined to contort my body until it can do the proper form. It doesn't come naturally, but ever so slowly I am beginning to work my way into the correct motion for this exercise.

As I am still working my way to a good overhead squat, I had to abandon the sandbags for that exercise. Instead, I used a length of 1" diameter PVC pipe. It really helped in terms of my form. I'll work on adding weight next time.

Another way to ramp up the intensity of a traditional exercise is to use an unconventional, unstable weight like sandbags. In this WOD, we replaced kettlebell swings with sand bag swings. It never fails to amaze me how, even when the weight is fairly light, when it is unstable like this, it completely changes the complexity of the movement.

I think this is the longest crossfit workout I've been able to do. And I am already feeling muscle soreness setting in, especially in my shoulders and upper back.

All in all, though, I am happy with this workout. It's tough. Tougher than it looks "on paper." But we did it. Without dialing anything back. That's something to hold onto when my body starts screaming at me later.

Also got back into the swing of things in the 'planksalot' challenge. Today's time was 1 minute and 20 seconds. I'm getting very familiar with the carpet in my little cubicle. :+)

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Jan 12 - Run & Done

Saturdays are usually a run day. But today is rainy and nasty; just not the kind of day that calls to you to strap on your sneakers and hit the road.

Despite that though, we need to get in our cardio. So after the boy finished his judo class, we headed to the gym to find a pair of treadmills with our names on them.

20 minutes (& 1.75 miles) later, we called it quits and took off to tackle our ever growing to-do list.

I managed my plank of the day along the way as well. 1 minute & 15 seconds. While this is another personal best, I made the mistake of doing it too soon after eating and was quite miserable for the duration of those 75 seconds. Tomorrow is a rest day for the planks. I think I am ready for some recovery time where that is concerned.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Jan. 11 - WOD

We found today's WOD on the Maxim website back in September, so we call it (not surprisingly) the "Maxim" WOD.

For each round of this workout you do the following:
* -- 10 Kettlebell swings.
* -- 8 Deadlifts
* -- 7 Dumbell Shoulder presses
* -- 6 Box Dips
* -- 5 hanging Cleans

The goal is to do as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes.

I managed 6 rounds. And that is a pretty good improvement for me. When we did this WOD back in Sept, all of the weights I used were lighter and I only managed 5 rounds plus a set of KB swings and a set of Deadlifts.

So as I close out the work week, I can boast an improvement in both this WOD and in my daily plank (I managed 1 minute & 10 seconds today on my plank).

Not a bad way to close out the week, if you ask me!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

A Pretty Good Day

I was replaying the day, trying to get a feel for my efforts so far.

This week has been trying at best, especially where work is concerned. And to be honest, I am tired. Tired to the point where I didn't feel much like exercise of any sort.

But despite my reticence, today has actually gone pretty well.

First off, I managed 65 seconds for my daily plank - that's a new personal record! I hope I can keep on improving. My whole body was shaking throughout the whole hold.

Secondly, Wonder Boy had a belt test at judo tonight and he did simply fantastic! He's been the top ranked student in the kids class for more than a year now. He has grown and matured so much in the nearly 6 years he's been studying judo. To see the confident leader of the class that he has become makes my heart swell with pride!

And finally, after judo, we had to make the choice on whether to head straight home or to buckle down and get to the gym and hit the treadmill. We both really wanted to go home and get some rest. But we both knew we would regret it if we did that.

So in the end, we trudged to the gym. We got on our treadmills and did our 20 minutes.

There is a moral victory just in stepping on the treadmill. But thankfully, it doesn't end with just a moral victory. My new shoes felt GREAT on the treadmill! I started slow to get a feel for them, but the longer I ran, the better they felt! Instead of walk/run intervals like I normally do on the treadmill, I was able to to build from start to finish. And when my time was done, I felt the best I have felt all day.

So despite the weary week, today turned out to be a pretty good one on the fitness front for us all.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Jan 9 - WOD

Today's workout is based on the workout named "JT." For each round, we added a set of 30 jump rope revolutions. We call this WOD "Jumping JT."

Jumping JT looks like this:
21 handstand push-ups (box assisted for us)
21 dips
21 push-ups
30 jump rope revolutions
15 handstand push-ups
15 dips
15 push-ups
30 jump rope revolutions
9 handstand push-ups
9 dips
9 push-ups
30 jump rope revolutions

My time was 9 minutes and 40 seconds.

Not a bad workout. We wanted to do one that hit the upper body hard since our last few have hit the legs so hard. This one truly fit the bill. My shoulder gave out on the last set of dips and I could only do negatives. Hopefully the next time we try this one I will be able to perform all of the prescribed exercises.

In addition to this WOD, I did my plank of the day. I managed to hold for 1 minute. My whole body was shaking the last 15 seconds. I hope tomorrow is better.

Tomorrow is a run day. We will probably have to do that at the gym on the treadmill. At least that gives me a chance to try out my new shoes on the treadmill.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

the good, the bad, the ugly

The Good: even though I had to do it on the floor of my cubicle at work, I did my daily plank and held it for 45s. Again, I could probably have gone longer, but I want to keep to my plan to build gradually. I can feel the work. I'm focusing on that.

The Bad: yesterday's work out (on the heels of Sunday's heavy squats) has left my legs sore and aching. Kept me up a good bit of the night and as I have suggested, sleep doesn't come easy to me these days. So I'm tired and kinda grumpy. I'm trying my best to keep it to myself though.

The Ugly: I know I said these efforts are not about the numbers - and I stick to that - but I'm weighing in weekly anyway as a more quantifiable measure of my progress. But when I stepped on that scale today, I was sorely disappointed.

I gave up my soda and all of its sugary, caffeinated goodness. I've been eating small, regular meals (I have a history of skipping breakfast and then snacking late into the night). I'm exercising almost daily. I'm drinking lots of water. And there has been no change what so ever. None. Zilch. Nada.

I know it shouldn't bother me. That's why this is not supposed to be about the numbers. But I confess that it does. Maybe it's the fatigue talking.

I'm sticking to my efforts though. Maybe eventually I'll see it where I want to see it (like the way my clothes are fitting or increased stamina on the soccer pitch). I'm going to hold out even if it makes me wanna throw a bit of a tantrum.


Monday, January 7, 2013

Jan 7 - WOD

Today's WOD is called "Loredo." It's a hero workout (so needless to sy, I needed my inhaler before it was done).

We did 3 rounds (you are supposed to do 5). Each round consists of 24 body weight squats, 24 push-ups, 24 walking lunges, & a 400 meter run. Our run was a touch longer (about .35 miles). My time was 16 minutes 6 seconds.

I have to say that I really like this workout! First off, this is one of those that you don't need any special equipment what so ever to complete. We did this one in our garage and the run was up and down our street. The weather was great! We had a temp of about 55F as we started. It dropped a bit as the sun went down but not a lot. Very comfy outside weather.

Another bonus is that Wonder Boy joined us tonight. He worked out at the same time as I did. He left me in the dust during the run portion, but I caught back up during the strength portion. We finished less than a second apart (him first!).

And finally, I got a chance to try out my new shoes (Brooks Pure flow) and I LOVE them! They are light and flexible and I think they're really cute too. Makes me happy.

All in all, a really enjoyable workout!

Core Values

Today I started a 'plank a day' challenge started by my good friend over at One Tough Mother Runner.

The goal is to do a plank a day and gradually increase your hold times in order to strengthen your core muscles.

I managed 30 seconds today.

Perhaps I could have done longer, but (1) I had forgotten the challenge until I was heading out the door for school/work and (2) I figure you gotta start somewhere and this is where I chose to start. The goal had only been 15 seconds, so I feel comfortable with this.

I am really hoping this will help to strengthen my core. We don't do a lot of direct ab work, but most of our crossfit workouts have some kind of core component, at least when trying to maintain proper form, etc. So in theory this should support those efforts. Double bonus (in my book)!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Jan 6 - gym time

Today we decided to do a traditional gym workout. Monday is typically a crossfit day and sometimes we like to work in a regular workout to gauge how our efforts are affecting our overall strength, so today seemed to be a good opportunity to get that done since tomorrow will certainly be a crossfit day.

Today we did the following:
* leg extensions - 1 warm up set and 2 heavy sets
* squats - 1 warm up set and 2 heavy sets
* cable rows - 1 warm up set and 2 heavy sets
* standing leg curls - 2 heavy sets
* incline dumbbell bench press - 1 warm up set and 2 heavy sets
* seated shoulder press - 2 heavy sets
* donkey calf raises - 2 heavy sets

Not a super long workout, but it still took us about 50 minutes. I am pleased to report that we haven't seen any drop off in strength since switching primarily to our crossfit workouts. In fact, we improved on every single exercise today. It feels good to know that we didn't lose ground by changing up out workout routine.

And as a bonus, we stopped by the local running shoe store before going to the gym. They had an awesome sale on some shoes that are to be replaced by a newer model. We each got a new pair. They are supposed to be better suited to treadmill running. I can hardly wait to try them out tomorrow.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Jan 5 - neighborhood jaunt

Saturdays are typically a cardio day. I got worried that the cold drizzly rain wouldn't stop in time and we'd be forced to head to the gym and back to the treadmills. But I need not have feared. It may not have been blue skies, but the temps were comfortable and there was no need for a rain coat.

About an hour before sun down, I grabbed the pink leash and my bully princess and we took off for a tour of the neighborhood. We are blessed to live in an area that has miles of sidewalk on which to run. Today we decided to explore an area where they are breaking ground on some new homes. I knew back there we wouldn't run into many (or any) other dogs. And as a bonus, we got to see a few new places going up.

I don't know the exact distance, but we ran for a bit over 30 minutes. Ran in my new Mizuno shoes and they did great on the pavement. I just won't wear them to the gym any more.

Tori, my wonder pup, also really enjoyed our time out. She's an Olde English Bulldogge, so running in the hot Texas summers is out of the question. But this cool crisp winter air puts a spring in her step (mine too). I am looking forward to our next jog through the 'hood.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Jan 4 - WOD

Today's WOD is called "Mary."

1 round = 5 handstand push ups, 10 pistols (1-legged squats), & 15 pull-ups.

You are supposed to see how many rounds you can do in 20 minutes.

We decided to only do 10 minutes. That's a lot of shoulder work and mine is still very weak. Also, we are still working up to a full handstand push-up, so we do those with out feet on a box and our body kipped up in an inverted V. One more alteration for me - I am still rebuilding my strength up to doing this many pull-ups, so when I tire out, I do negatives (where I jump up to the bar and lower myself under control).

With all that said, I managed 5 rounds in the 10 minute time.

We followed it up with a 15 minute brisk walk on the treadmill.

All in all, not a bad workout. I hope I can drop a few pounds so that exercises like the pull-ups and handstand push-ups will start to get easier. In years past, I actually could do pull-ups with extra weight strapped on. I really want to get back to that point.

Desperately Seeking Seven

Any fitness blog, article, magazine, etc you can find will advise you that, to get the most out of your diet and exercise efforts, treat your body to at least 7 hours of sleep each night.

I am struggling with this.

It's been this way for a while now. Months. I can't recall exactly when it started, because my memory is not what you might call 'tack sharp' right now.

In the past, I was the kind of person who could (& would) fall asleep with little prompting. I've never been a night owl and even in my college days found I was more productive with an early schedule than late.

But these days, I go to bed and my mind just won't shut off. Granted, I have a fairly stressful job. And there are days when I head to bed and find myself rehashing the issues of the day. But that is not always the case. Sometimes it's just a song racing around my brain. Sometimes I make to-do lists for the next day. Sometimes I just lay there and count as Wonder Dad breathes.

I had hoped after kicking my caffeine habit that my body might find it easier to drift off at night, but that just hasn't been the case. And now I am tired. Seriously tired. For the first time in weeks, I want a Dr. Pepper. My mind is foggy and I have zero energy. But I know, even if I were to slip off to bed, I wouldn't be able to fall asleep.

So I guess this is my plea for help. Tips for getting back into a good sleeping groove would be most appreciated. I don't want to resort to chemical assistance though I do have some melatonin supplements somewhere in the house. But if you have some suggestions, pop me a comment. I'm starting to get desperate.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Jan 3 - quick jog

Since yesterday was our off day, today we made it to the gym for a quick jog on the treadmill. It gave me a chance to try out my new running shoes (a Christmas gift from my guys!). I love my new shoes (Mizuno Wave Inspire) and had a chance to start breaking them in last week and they did GREAT. But that was outside on pavement. And I did NOT like running in them on the treadmill.

OK, I don't particularly like running on the treadmill in general. I find something unnatural about my gait when on the dang machine and it almost always makes my knees hurt. But after only about 5 minutes today my feet were screaming at me.

So lesson of the day? These shoes are for outside running only. I'll stick to my Asics when I am stuck on the treadmill.

Even with my feet hurting, we managed a 20 minute jog at a light pace. I hope to get in a neighborhood run at some point over the weekend, but may have to go back to the treadmill at least once as rain is predicted to start later tonight and last for the next few days.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Time crunch? Try Tabata!

(NOTE: This is a revival of a post I planned last fall. I am updating a few links, etc and re-posting it here because it fits a lot better.) :+)

This school year, more than any other, has left us really struggling to keep up with our workouts. And that's huge in our house. We both notice issues with depression when we are not working out on a regular basis. And I have a waist line that will not be contained (since I can't seem to moderate my eating as much as I should) when I am not regularly hitting the gym.

So ... bottom line (yes, pun intended) ... we NEED our workouts.

But what to do when our work and home schedules are getting out of control? Wonder Dad is a 'night guy' and as such, early morning workouts of any shape are really not in the cards for either of us. We get to the gym as often as possible, but to be honest, there are some days when we barely have time for dinner, none the less the type of workout that will battle the blues and keep me in my current wardrobe.

Last fall, we were turned on to 'Tabata' or Crossfit workouts. Short, but incredibly intense. I contend that's a perfect match for me! :D

The idea is to do a few "functional" movements grouped together over short bursts of time. If you have ever watched the Crossfit Games on TV, then you have an idea of the extreme side of these work outs.

In addition to the tighter time frame (a typical Tabata workout should not exceed 25 minutes and honestly, we rarely make it past 10 or 15 minutes) one of the biggest 'perks' to these types of workouts is that you do not need a gym or a lot of special equipment. You can do so much with just body weight exercises like squats, jumps, burpees, push ups, and sit ups.

So Wonder Dad and I jumped in. We did a few of these workouts and let me tell ya ... they kicked our TAILS!

We are not sedentary people. We work out an average of 5 - 6 days a week all year long. We play on a soccer team and we take Judo classes (when my shoulder isn't bothering me too much).

When we saw some of the sample "Workouts of the Day" (WOD), we even dialed them WAY back. And yet, each one left me gasping for my inhaler and wondering if I could even manage to crawl out of the way so that Wonder Dad could take his turn.

You might ask, why would we put ourselves through this? But in the 4 or so months we've been trying these workouts, our bodies are already starting to respond. At first, we could only manage one of these workouts a week (we would do more traditional workouts the rest of the week). Now we are doing at least 3 per week. And more often than not, these are the only type of workout we are doing. Some days we can even manage a run afterward! I think that's some pretty awesome progress!

And in addition to kicking up the intensity of our workouts, we are doing quite a few of them at home. This really cuts down on the time it takes to get in a good workout. Some days we go out to the garage and get in our workout while Wonder Boy is inside finishing his homework. And even better than that, some days Wonder Boy joins us in the garage and does the workout right along beside us. Talk about SWEET!

So ... if you are looking for something new to "spice up" (& speed up) your workouts ... I suggest that give Tabata/Crossfit a try!

If you think this might be up your alley, check out this web site for some no-equipment-needed workouts that you can do right at home! And on this site you can find the "named" workouts and a generator to help you build your own WOD.

Have fun!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Jan 1- WOD

These days we have been enjoying crossfit style workouts. Generally, crossfit workouts are characterized by the fact that they change constantly. Usually, the workouts are short (in comparison to a traditional gym workout) and very intense.

In the beginning, these workouts would leave us gasping for air and hurting for days. These days, they still leave us gasping for air, but for the most part we are starting to recover a bit quicker.

Today's Workout of the Day (WOD) is called Hansen. The prescribed workout looks like this:
1 Round = 30 Kettlebell Swings, 30 Burpees, & 30 Sit Ups

The idea is to do 5 rounds in as little time as possible.

We only managed to do 3 rounds. I Recorded a time of 18min:25sec

Not my best performance, but a place to start. "Hansen" is one of these called "hero" workouts. They are meant to be tough and this one did not disappoint.

As this is our 3rd workout in as many days, tomorrow is an "easy day." But hopefully I can at least work in a walk with the dog.

Kicking Things Off

So it's January 1st and all across the globe people are setting their sights on a slimmer, fitter new year.

In reality, I am no different. Except I am not focused on a particular number. Sure, I know about how many pounds I would ideally like to lose, but more important than what I hope to lose, is what I hope to gain.

I want my knees to feel better. I want my favorite clothes to fit better. I want to look on the outside like I feel on the inside.

I'll be honest, I didn't wait for the New Year to roll around to get started. My biggest change so far, and the one I feel I most need to be permanent, has been getting rid of my soft drinks. I used the less stressful life of Christmas break to wave them adieu. I did have one at a restaurant, but that did not constitute a relapse so far.

The true test will come when I start back to work tomorrow, but for now I am feeling pretty resolute. Wish me luck!

I have a lot of changes I would like to see over the next year. But my hope is that one will build on the next.

We are still plugging away with our workouts. We are registered for a 5K in a couple of months. We may try a 10K in the fall. I am not sure what else we may try. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I hope you will follow along, offer suggestions or advice. Fitness is much more fun as a group.