Wednesday, March 20, 2013

March 20 - WOD

In an effort to get back on track with our workouts, etc, we decided to skip any kind of a run today and do another crossfit WOD. We have a soccer game tomorrow and Tues/Thurs are "supposed" to be cardio days.

It may seem a bit nuts after yesterday's WOD, but we picked a WOD for today that was all about the clean and jerk. You might think after all those shoulder presses and dead lifts from yesterday we would shy away from a workout like this, but we figured we'd give it a go.

So here how we broke down our sets of clean and jerks:

set 1: 3 reps
set 2: 3 reps
set 3: 2 reps
set 4: 2 reps
set 5: 1 reps
set 6: 1 reps
set 7: 1 reps
set 8: 1 reps

For my weights I used 75#, 85#, 90#, 95#, 100#, 95#, 95#, 95#.

Before today, my ORM (one rep max) was 95#, so I set a new PR by hitting 100# in my 5th set. I tried and tried to hoist up 105#, but it just wasn't happening today. I think I tried at least 3-5 times trying to get it up. Finally, I had to drop back down to 95# and just finish up the WOD.

I think that, if we hadn't done the shoulder press/dead lift workout yesterday, I could have pushed my ORM a bit further. And that makes me feel good all over (even if I am nice and sore now).

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