Thursday, February 21, 2013

Feb 21 - Staying Busy

I had one of those rare, truly productive work days today. Not a lot of time spent in meetings and very few interruptions during my day. It never fails to amaze me how productive I can be when left to my own devices. ;+) And it feels REALLY good to leave work with fewer items on my to-do list than I started with that morning.

ANYWAY ... with no other interruptions to get in the way, working in my plank and squats for the Planks A Lot Challenge was a snap. I held on for 1 minute and 15 seconds for each side plank (left & right) and the same for a "regular" plank as well. And I topped off those efforts with 100 air squats. My shoulders are really not liking the side planks. Not sure what to do about that.

This evening after work and before Wonder Boy's soccer practice, Wonder Dad and I made the loop around our street (X 4). I really enjoy these little jogs. We keep our pace pretty sedate and nice and even. The weather was beautiful (though a touch humid) and Wonder Dad made me giggle when he mimicked the ballet moves of a young girl practicing in her yard. The girl and her sister were THRILLED with the attention. And it gave me something on which to focus rather than my labored breathing. I do adore my dear husband. He makes me smile every day. And he knows how to turn even a less-than-exciting loop around the neighborhood into play time. And in the end, we shaved just under a minute from our normal pace. Not to shabby, I'd say!

I may have to dial the daily squats back a bit on the days we are running. My knees were tired and achy during the run and the only thing I have really done as of late that hits the knees is the squats. We'll see how my weekend run goes and make plans from there.

Not a bad effort overall, imho. And I'm looking forward to tomorrow already. :+)

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